Cybersecurity Preparation Checklist for any City of Alamo Business

Cybersecurity Preparation for your City of Alamo business

The internet has revolutionized how we do business. However, it has also become a feeding ground for cybersecurity attacks or hackers. With an exchange with third parties websites, hackers can find weak points in your internet usage and breach your data. You must review your business’s online procedures every year. Does your City of Alamo business need to fix any areas on the checklist below?

Know the Difference in Cybersecurity Attacks

  • Fraud
  • IP Theft
  • Extortion
  • Phishing
  • Data Leaks
  • Identity Theft
  • Stolen Hardware
  • Malware/Spyware
  • Messaging Abuse
  • Website Defacement
  • Public and Private Searches Leaked

Know What’s at Risk

Self-assess what could be at risk. Short passwords, scrolling through unsecured websites, and accidental malware downloads are just a few risks. It would help if you also had backups of all records.

Get Peace of Mind for Your City of Alamo Business

Most banks can cover a business in Alamo, TX, who are financially affected by a cyber-attack. Contact your bank, and make sure you know your legal rights. Also, review your emergency plan to prevent this from happening.

Know How Information is Stolen

Hackers can access vital information by using already-made programs that thoroughly search for weak points in your searches. Avoid:

● Surfing unsecured sites

● Creating easily guessable passwords

● Accidental malware or spyware downloads

● Clicking links or emails from unknown or fraudulent spam

Take Additional Preventative Measures

  • Use a VPN to help encrypt internet traffic and your online identity with this.
  • Install a Firewall program designed to place your data behind a wall.
  • Purchase Anti-Malware Software to scan your computer or device connected to the internet for malicious malware or threats.
  • Keep Your Software Up To Date to help avoid cyber-attacks when malware and spyware software is outdated.
  • Control Who Accesses Your Computers and limit to only trusted employees. Any business in Alamo, TX, should also not allow unsafe USB drives in your computers and place cameras near these areas of your building.
  • Properly Train Your Employees to never send sensitive information through email or other unsecured networks, never click unknown or foreign links, and check email addresses from received mail.

Alamo EDC helps Businesses in Alamo, TX

When it comes to your City of Alamo business, it’s essential to take all preventative measures to ensure no threats to your assets. Contact our economic development corporation near McAllen for all your business needs, and take advantage of all our available resources.

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