A well-educated workforce is essential to conducting business in a competitive global environment. Workers rely on opportunities to update and expand their knowledge to keep up with new technologies and ways of working. Alamo is one of the most beneficial places for your business operations in the Rio Grande Valley because of the city’s growing workforce that is comprised of young, skilled workers who are bilingual and properly educated.

We are committed to the training and education of our workforce through various initiatives to better provide new and existing companies with highly skilled employees. The statistics below outline the industries and occupations leading the employment sector in Alamo.
Most Common Industries
- Retail trade
- Construction
- Educational services
- Accommodation and food services
- Transportation and warehousing
- Public administration
- Health care and social assistance
Most Common Occupations
- Agricultural workers, including supervisors
- Other production occupations, including supervisors
- Building and grounds cleaning, and maintenance occupations
- Vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics, installers and repairers
- Driver/sales workers and truck drivers
- Retail sales workers, except cashiers
- Material recording, scheduling, dispatching and distributing workers

Bringing Employers and Employees Together
Alamo’s educated and innovative workforce is diverse enough to satisfy both new and expanding businesses. For more information about our workforce and incentives for new businesses, contact the Alamo Economic Development Corporation today at 956.787.6622.