We’ve got you covered whether you enjoy fine dining or a good burger joint. There are so many fun things to do in Alamo that it can take several visits! You will find a network of truly one-of-a-kind shops, restaurants, and attractions! Plus, if you happen upon a hotspot for live music, you’re sure to flock there for some fun tunes after dinner.
Alamo Pool and Wet Park
Come by the Alamo pool at Lions Park to enjoy:
- A picnic
- Swimming lessons
- the perfect place to enjoy the Splash Pad during nicer weather.
Far West Rodeo
Far West Rodeo is a Texas-style honky-tonk, Tejano, and Banda, with a little twist. From live bands to great DJs, their music keeps it going all year. Enjoy an ice-cold beer while you listen to live music!
Mercadome Flea Market and Alamo Dance Hall
La Pulga is the biggest flea market in the Rio Grande Valley. You can find anything from clothes, groceries, antiques, toys, decor, and electronics here. You’ll find the largest crowds on Sunday with live music, ice-cold beer, and a place to dance. Get ready to shop til you drop.
Watermelon Festival
May 13th is our annual watermelon festival. Expect great food, rides, and lots of watermelons! Bring family, friends, and neighbors to celebrate a day of all things watermelon.
City of Alamo Museum
Learn how our city came to be, where to eat, and what lies in store for the future. You can learn all about the city’s history at the Alamo museum. The history museum is located in the heart of downtown and has many exhibits that tell the story of our beautiful city.
Alamo Food Truck Park
Consider the Alamo Food Truck Park if you’re looking for good food after a long night out. It offers a place to socialize while enjoying excellent food and drinks. Whether you’re craving Mexican street food or American, you’ll get your late-night food fix here.
Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge
The city of Alamo is home to the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge. Enjoy a nice walk on one of the two trails filled with native wildlife. You can see various species of birds, insects, small mammals, and more.
Fun Things to do in Alamo TX:
Visit the city of Alamo. There’s plenty to do in the city of Alamo. Where you can, enjoy nature, explore the city, take part in nightlife and delicious foods, shop, and relax. Anywhere is an excellent stay in our beautiful city.
Want to be an Entrepreneur in the City of Alamo?
If you have an idea for a business, we can make your dream come to life. Our team can help with everything from funding and resources to finding the perfect space for your store or restaurant. With our extensive experience in the Alamo area, we can offer valuable insight into location selection, advice, and more.